Sunday Reading in Form I

A highly unique and beautiful addition to Charlotte Mason’s programmes, Sunday reading was an optional proponent to be taken on this most sacred day. As a way to honour the day of rest and focus their minds on higher and better and worthier things, students were assigned books for Sunday reading. These were not necessarily religious in nature. The books selected were generally of a moral and uplifting character, and included much in the way of people from other cultures and lands around the world. This was the special time set aside time for learning about the beauty and wonder and diverse nature of God’s creation and exposing the children to lands far across the sea.

Below we will lay out exactly what types of books the students were assigned for Sunday Reading in Form I, along with a list of every book included on the Form I programmes from 1921 – 1933.

Form IB

In Form IB every programme listed the option of either Mrs. Gatty’s Parables from Nature, or, The Child’s Book of Saints, by William Canton.

Some of the later programmes further included another book to be read in addition to Parables from Nature, or, The Child’s Book of Saints. These suggestions mostly appear to be about people or animals in other lands.

Boys and Girls, and Friendly Beasts, by M. Entwistle
Maro, the Lion-keeper, by M. Bruce
Animal Tales from Africa, by J. H. Macnair
Agathos, by Bishop Wilberforce
On the Road: Adventures in India, by M. Entwistle
The King of the Snakes, by G. Baskerville
The Book of an Indian Baby, by M. Entwistle
Chopsticks, by F. Codrington [to be read over two terms], pp. 1-76 / pp. 77-154
Boys and Girls of Africa
If I Lived in Japan
Animals of the Bible
, illustrated by E. E. Helme
The Book of an African Baby, by M. Entwistle
Fragrance and the others, by M. Entwistle
Boys and Girls of the Near East, by Florence Fremantle

Form IA

The students in Form IA were assigned two particular books to be read per term; however on occasion they were given suggestions of three or four books. One book nearly always on the programmes was A Book of Golden Deeds, by Charlotte Yonge. This book was read over the course of the entire two year period of IA and was broken up into shorter readings each term as follows:

The second book which was nearly always on the programmes was a biography from ‘The Children’s Heroes’ series. These small books were short enough that they could each be read in a term; there are seventeen biographies in the series but only ten of them were mentioned on the programmes, as follows: (all are available to read for free online at

The Story of Stanley, by Vautier Golding
The Story of Captain Cook, by John Lang
The Story of Joan of Arc, by Andrew Lang
The Story of Columbus, by G. M. Imlach
The Story of Raleigh, by M. D. Kelly
The Story of General Gordon, by Jeanie Lang
The Story of Livingstone, by Vautier Golding
The Story of Lincoln, by Edmund F. Sellar
The Story of Nelson, by Edmund F. Sellar
The Story of Lord Roberts, M. A. Hamilton

Other books included in the programmes for IA Sunday reading are listed below. These much like in Form IB appear to be mostly about people living in other lands.

When I was a Boy in Serbia
When I was a Boy in Japan
St. George of England
, by B. Hood
The Book of a Chinese Baby, by M. Entwhistle
Sun-Babies, by C. Sorabji
The King of the Snakes, by Mrs. Baskerville,
Page, Esquire, and Knight, by M. F. Lansing
Mackay of the Great Lake, by C. E. Padwick
If I Lived in Palestine, by M. Entwistle
Maro, the Lion-keeper, by M. Bruce
Baby Sahib, by A. A. Methley

Form IA & IB

In addition to the suggestions for their Sunday reading in either Form IB or IA, the students were also given choices for the entire form to read.

Sidelights on the Bible, by Mrs. Brightwen
The Wonderful Prayer, by G. Hollis
Nature Myths, by F. Holbrook
The Call Drum (forest adventures in Africa), by M. Entwistle
Ruskin’s The King of the Golden River
If I Lived in Japan, by G. R. Barclay
Persian Wonder Tales, told by C. F. Mackenzie
Fragrance and the others (China), by M. Entwistle
Boys and Girls of Africa
, by I. Codrington, pp. 1-76
The Winchester Hymn Supplement
Boyhood Stories of Master Painters and Musicians
, by K. D. Cather (for the teacher’s use)
The Book of the Chinese baby, by M. Entwhistle
Habeeb, A Story of Palestine, by M. Entwhistle
The King of the Snakes, by G. Baskerville
The Book of the African baby, by M. Entwhistle
The Little Blue Man, by G. Fanciulli

From about 1930 Sunday occupations were also listed for Form I A & B.

Africa Painting Book
India Painting Book
Japan Painting Book;
Tara’s village (a model)
Make Christmas cards
Adventure Overseas (for stories, Games, and occupations)
The Treasure Ship Sails East (for stories, Games, and occupations)
The home of Adjui (African hut model)
Persia Painting Book
A Chief’s Home in Uganda, a cut-out model
Shopping in China (a coloured cut-out model)
Tara’s village (a cut-out model)
Make the tent of Yusef

Further Reading

A Delectable Education, Episode 103: Sunday Reading


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