Living Books
Living books are vital to a Charlotte Mason education. Books, chosen with the utmost care and precision, and written in such a way so as to capture the imaginations of the children. These books, written in an engaging, narrative style, speak to the soul of the child, providing food and nourishment for the mind.

Living Ideas
In a Charlotte Mason education children are surrounded by living ideas whether it be through books, time in nature, listening to music, or studying the great artists. These ideas are what spark passion in a children, and excite them to take their education further. Facts alone are not enough to educate a child.

After each lesson’s reading of the text the children tell back what they have heard. This is called narration and is a distinctive attribute of a Charlotte Mason education. This is where the children’s minds begin to do the work of their education.

Short Lessons
Lessons are just the right length to keep the students’ minds sharp and focused. The practice of short lessons helps develop the habit of attention and allows for a full and varied education.

Nature Study
Children get their first ideas from nature and are encouraged to watch, record, and enjoy the changes they see in the natural world year in and year out. Much time is spent in the outdoors where the students hone their observation skills, and learn to appreciate the wonder and beauty of God’s creation first hand.

Wide Curriculum
In a Charlotte Mason education we are educating the whole child—mind, body, and spirit. The curriculum is full and varied, allowing the students to form relationships with all manner of living ideas. All subjects, be it art, mathematics, science, or music are equally valuable to the development of the children.