Available Now: ‘The Counties of England’, by C. M. Mason

We are so excited to announce the new release of The Counties of England, by Charlotte Mason.

First published in 1881, Charlotte Mason’s third geography book takes the reader on a journey through Victorian England county by county, with a narrative enriched by a mixture of fact, folk lore, and quintessential English poetry.

Having received a twenty-first century facelift, this carefully curated modern edition of The Counties of England includes a brand new introduction providing further information on how the book was used by Charlotte Mason in the programmes sent out to home schoolrooms across the nation and Empire.

It is our hope that others may find it an enjoyable and useful addition to the resources available for Charlotte Mason educators, whether it be read for pleasure or for school.

[Please note that all maps from the original have been omitted and it will be necessary to use an atlas and/or maps of the British Isles alongside the reading of this book.] The book is available either as a free download here, or for those who prefer to hold a physical book in their hands, it can be purchased through Amazon.

2 comments on “Available Now: ‘The Counties of England’, by C. M. Mason

  1. Thanks so much for this! We are Americans but just recently moved to the UK for a few years. My kids have decided to memorize the counties of England via Seterra (for fun in their afternoon free time!) so I think they’ll love my adding this to our weekly tea time so we all can learn.

    • That’s great! Welcome to the UK. I hope you are enjoying it so far. Thank you for visiting the site. I’m so pleased you’ve found the book. I hope your kids will enjoy learning more about the counties through it. Your weekly tea time sounds so fun xxx

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