Except in Form I the study of Literature goes pari passu with that of History. [Vol. VI, p. 180] In Form I, Literature is known as ‘Tales’, and is a gentle introduction to the art of reading and narration which will form a large part of school lessons.[…]

Students in the first form (age 6-8) spent just two and a half hours in morning lessons, including half an hour for drill and games. The morning ordinarily ran from 09:00 – 11.30 each day, six times a week. The lessons were usually1 between 10 and 20 minutes[…]

A Short History When the Parents’ Union School1 (P.U.S.) was founded in the late nineteenth century Charlotte Mason sorted the students into four classes based on their age. Class I and Class II were further distinguished by the letter A for the youngest in the form and the[…]