Wildlife in Woods and Fields


A special bundle including Wildlife in Woods and Fields and its picture-book companion, Natural History Pictures for a Living Education, is also available.

Wildlife in Woods and Fields is the first book in a much-loved and delightful series of natural history lessons for children, first published in the late nineteenth century by Arabella Buckley. The narrative follows the seasonal exploits of friends Peter, Peggy, and Paul as they navigate the wonders of the natural world, making discoveries and building relationships with the flowers and animals through first-hand observation. In this book the three friends learn about spiders, moles, cats, ants, woodpeckers, spring flowers, and so much more.

To accompany the reading of this book we highly recommend its picture-book companion, Natural History Pictures for a Living Education: Wildlife in Woods and Fields, which can be purchased individually or as part of a special bundle here.

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Short chapters, simple language, and a narrative interwoven within the settings of a story makes Wildlife in Woods and Fields a popular natural history lesson text for home educating parents and students the world over, particularly among those using a Charlotte Mason educational philosophy in their homes. This new edition has been lightly edited to bring it up to date for students of the twenty-first century.

As an aid to accompany the text, we highly recommend Natural History Pictures for a Living Education: Wildlife in Woods and Fields, a compilation of photographs exclusively arranged for use alongside the book. Footnotes are littered throughout Wildlife in Woods and Fields, indicating when a picture is available to supplement the text.

Additional information

Book Type

Digital, Print


PDF, Paperback

Page count

47 pages

Print Product Size

A5 (5.83 x 8.27 in. / 148 x 210 mm)

First Published

September 2021


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