Our Story

I started working on books long before I ever came up with the idea for Charlotte Mason Beehive. It was at a time, a few years back now, when my oldest child was still in nappies, that I first came across the name of Charlotte Mason. I wasn’t an instant convert to this method, in fact it took considerable time to convince me of its incredible worth as an educational methodology. But once I was in, that was it, I was in, head, hand, and heart.

And so began my journey. I devoured all things Charlotte Mason, in particular the podcast, A Delectable Education—still fairly new at the time—which I credit almost 100% with my conversion to this method.

At the time Charlotte Mason’s Home Education series hadn’t been republished yet, and so it took me a long time until I was able to read her actual writings. The volumes were available online, that is true, and although I dipped in and out of them, I could never get to the meat because on-screen reading, well, it just doesn’t quite work for me.

At last the series was brought back into print, due to the incredible efforts of Living Book Press and Simply Charlotte Mason, and that republication, coupled with my recent discovery of the Charlotte Mason archives, opened up an entirely new world for me. I suddenly found myself knee deep in this wonderful world of people and ideas, inspiring me in new ways, and delighting my spirit with new knowledge and discovery.

So, what’s a girl to do with all this new information? Why, plan of course. Plan the education for her two year old toddler. Isn’t that what everyone would do? Actually, I’m very fortunate to have discovered Charlotte Mason when I did. At the time I had very strong views on education which did not align with Miss Mason’s principles. Living in a country where children are sent to school at the age of four I always took it for granted that that was what was best for the children. The idea of six years of “quiet growing time” was an alien concept. I had expectations that my daughter would be reading and writing by four. We would be sitting down each day and learning. The way you’re meant to. You know, at a desk, with workbooks and lectures and all of the things my own miserable experience at school taught us equalled learning.

Thankfully, over time my thoughts on education took a complete 180 degree turn. I changed my thoughts. I changed my attitude. I changed my beliefs. And for that I will be forever grateful to Miss Mason for convicting me.

But I still like to plan.

So, I started the long drawn out—and extremely enjoyable—experience of developing a curriculum for my daughter. Because that’s what everyone does right? Or maybe not. But I know I’m not the only one to take on the challenge of developing my own programme of education. And it’s something I thoroughly enjoy so I really couldn’t help myself.

The absence of any UK based Charlotte Mason curriculum inspired me further in this pursuit, and from then on things just took on a life of their own.

Everything you find here has been created first and foremost with a view to my own children’s education. You can rest in the assurance that all content has come from the heart, it truly is a labour of love. My heart and soul has been pumped into these resources. Initially I never expected to bring my content into the public sphere—I am an introvert and prefer to keep to myself—but overtime I decided it was something I wanted to do. I’m incredibly proud of the work I’ve put into these books and resources and I want to share them with you. I hope you find value in them too.

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